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The Hunt is On in the Year 2099 in This Sequel to the Mega-hit Scifi Sex Romp, Virgin Hunters! Unsatisfied by Her Lex 500 Sex Robot, Mega-conglomerate Overlord and Supreme Commander of the World Alliance, Camella Swales, Has Banned All Forms of Sex. the Future is a Serene and Productive Place, But No One is Getting It On! the Government Has Laced the Food With Passion Suppressants, and the World is Full of Virgins. Enter the Alterrians: an Erotic Race of Virgin Hunting Sexual They've Come to Earth With One Thing On Their Minds, and They Won't Let a Worldwide Ban On Sex Stop Them from Enjoying Their Vacation. Teaming Up With Beth, Their Human Companion and Nymph in Training, the Virgin Hunters Set Out On an Orgasmic Mission of Galactic Proportions. Will They Overcome the Tepid Masses and Teach Humanity to Lust Again?

Duration:84 min
Tags: galactic foodbal
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