Watch Abagail aka Abbie Anderson stars in the handjob movie Nervous Newbie! free sex video

True story: I used to run an ad out in cyberspace. It was a casting call, as I'm looking for "newbs". In the five years I had the ad up, it received a lot of responses -- mostly from single males. A model named Abagail -- who had never step on to any set (mainstream or adult) -- replied. She just turned 18. Abagail got on the bus in Texas, leaving a shitty relationship, and 24 hours later, step out of the bus in Porn Valley. Abagail changed her name to "Abbie Anderson", and even though her name should have been "Nervous Nellie" for this scene, it's still a keeper. Especially since this is the very first time Abagail made any sort of porno! She sure could finish the job! Mr. POV certainly thought so, as he delivered a facial blast that just about blew poor Abagail's head clean off! Enjoy my step brother!

Duration:12 min
Tags: dude call girl
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